WING and ALTEO Energiakereskedo Zrt., the ALTEO Group’s energy trading company, have entered into a strategic cooperation agreement under which ALTEO will supply electricity generated in its entirety from clean and renewable energy sources to the industrial properties managed by WING Industrial, WING’s sub-brand responsible for industrial and logistics developments, in both 2025 and 2026.
As part of this strategic partnership, over the next two years, ALTEO — an energy company listed in the Premium category of the Budapest Stock Exchange — will cover the energy needs of the entire portfolio of WING Industrial, with energy coming from a solar park managed by ALTEO. According to a WING press release, “in 2025, 50% of the total electricity purchased by the entire corporate group will come from clean and renewable energy sources, marking a significant step forward in sustainability.”
According to WING, “ESG criteria and sustainability are always priorities in WING’s developments: one of the Group’s long-term goals is to measure the energy consumption of buildings, with up-to-date data recording and analysis. Furthermore, WING aims to modernize facilities that waste gas and electricity, and to progressively develop energy-efficient buildings that rely on green electricity for their energy consumption, with a focus on both present-day requirements and tenant’s needs.”